This time last year we were gearing up for our SE19 Lates late-night shopping events. Across both evenings Santa paid us a visit, choirs sang in the streets and shops opened their doors with a welcoming smell of mince pies and fizz. 🥧🍾
We had banners in the streets, leaflets all around and our gorgeous Shop SE19 stencils outside participating shops. The promotion surrounding those events was funded by way of a paid subscription from the traders and some match funding from Croydon council, plus a lot of goodwill!
This year things are different, but by running the raffle we can continue our mission of promoting local shopping, without having to ask the traders for a financial or extra time commitment other than a prize for the raffle. 🙌 We have committed to reimbursing any trader for their prize should they need it, we pay a 10% admin charge to the raffle website on each ticket sold and we have running costs to cover.
All profits made from the raffle will go towards our future promotional activities and events. It's our hope that we can go some way to building a starter fund for Shop SE19 promotional activity in 2021.
Buying your tickets helps us to achieve all of this and we hope, will add a bit of Christmas community sparkle to Crystal Palace along the way!