Visit Crystal Palace and look for eggs.
A fun holiday Easter Egg Hunt competition to get you exploring our high streets, Crystal Palace shops and venues.
We've hidden eggs all around Crystal Palace in local businesses.
What we want you to do...
Get out there, keep your eyes peeled for eggs dotted around SE19 and enter our TWO competitions. You can pick one or do both.
Decisions. Decisions.
Fancy capturing some egg-citing scenes around Crystal Palace and sharing your camera work? Do you have a winning angle on local businesses? Pick Competition One and you could win a £50 voucher.
1) Easy Over Eggs
Everyone carries a camera these days, so get those clicking fingers to work and take some original pictures of our eggs in their locations. To enter, upload your pictures on social media and make sure you tag in @ShopSE19 and add the hashtag #SE19EggHunt.
Prize available for the best photo submitted.
Or... if you can count and have the stamina to find 20 eggs or more before 20 April 2022, then pick Competition Two. This competition might be a handy holiday distraction for our younger Palatians on trips to the high street... but it's open to all ages.
2) Dinosaur Eggs!
Well, they could be dinosaur eggs. They are green and they haven't hatched yet.
The Friends of Crystal Palace Dinosaurs have kindly sponsored the prize pot for this option.
Get spotting those eggs. Download a form or enter online.
Walk around our high streets. Spot 20+ eggs and answer three easy questions.
On your marks...
Here's your first picture clue. This egg is hanging out in a colourful local cafe. Hmmmm? Too easy?
Visit our competition page for more info, follow @ShopSE19 on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Maybe there will be an (egg-stra) clue or two as time goes on. Or just more puns.
You have until 20 April 2022 to enter each competition. Visit the Competition Page for the full lowdown.
Good luck! Go get 'em.
Sign up for the Shop SE19 monthly update here. We'll announce the lucky competition winners on our update newsletter later this month.
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