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More about the Shop SE19 raffle


Thank you for all your support for the launch Shop SE19’s very first promotional Community Raffle to support our high street traders this winter. 2020 has been one of THE most difficult and challenging trading years for our local businesses.

High street traders and hospitality venues need our support and we need to encourage more people to get excited about supporting shopping locally and using local services wherever possible.

We're so proud to have brought together a growing community of over 40 local independent traders in a massive demonstration of positivity and togetherness to celebrate our local Town Centre this winter.

It’s really important for you to know more about how our Raffle works and how we are planning to use the money we hope to raise, when funds are released in January 2021.

It’s the first time we’ve tried something like this in Crystal Palace, which we've seen work well in other areas of London, to support and promote their local high streets. We’d love to reach our stretch target and sell all the tickets, but we can only do this if our Crystal Palace locals get behind it, to support us and our traders. And buy lots of raffle tickets.

Where’s the money going?

  • Firstly we need to cover all costs of managing and promoting the raffle. This campaign will support and connect up to 50 local high street traders with promotions over the next two months. Every ticket sold helps us to do this, without asking for anything extra from local traders, apart from the prize they are donating.

  • We need to cover basic running costs for Shop SE19* for the remainder of 2020/21 (accounting/any tax liabilities/bank and transaction charges and annual fees for our website)

  • We will need to pay a 10% commission fee to Raffall on all tickets sold.

  • We've also committed to reimburse £50 to any trader who needs the face-value of their prize returned to them, to make our raffle truly inclusive for any local high street business.

Anything we raise over and above our break-even point of around £5,000 will be allocated to future Shop SE19 activities/events in 2021 as part of a dedicated Community Marketing fund.

For instance: it costs us £5,000 to set-up and run a successful two-night SE19 Lates style event. We’d love to hold another of these, when it’s safe to do so and to be in a stronger position to subsidise the sum that local businesses would need to contribute to make this happen. This way, any local high street business, regardless of their current financial situation can participate in events if they wish.

Meanwhile, while we are still operating under challenging 2020 circumstances, a virtual Raffle felt like a great way to go to create local positivity and promote our local traders. With your support and enthusiasm we can reach even more people over the next couple of months.

We hope you agree and can support us.

Have a look at the great prizes announced so far and buy some tickets.

*About Shop SE19

Shop SE19 was set up formally in 2019 as an independent limited company to support a growing network of Crystal Palace traders. Our mission is to support our local high streets in Crystal Palace by helping to organise and pay for coordinated activities, events and shared trading community marketing expenses. We are the team responsible for SE19 Lates, overseeing social media channels to support our town, local traders and any other larger marketing expenses that our traders agree to share to promote our local high streets.

Getting a large number of independent businesses to work together under one umbrella of Shop SE19 is a big achievement. It has created a valuable conduit for communicating with Croydon Council and other local representatives, in order to promote the common interests of businesses in SE19.

Shop SE19 was born out of the success of #SE19Lates. While we are unable to run events as normal this year, nor apply for funding, we recognise it’s vital to support our traders and keep the shop local message alive this year. We are a non-profit making organisation. Our two volunteer directors do not draw a salary. Local businesses and freelancers donate time, skills and resources to enable us to function, or provide services at reduced community rates. However, like any small business, we have external costs and operating expenses that need to be met to fulfil our legal obligations as a company, including expenses like accounting, bank fees, transaction charges and other annual fees like our website.

Ventures like this raffle will help to keep our activities sustainable and if it's a success in 2020, it will mean we can continue to support our local traders into 2021.



Shop SE19

Crystal Palace, London SE19, UK

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