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SE19Lates Thank you one and all!


There's an epic list of people to thank for all the organisation of #SE19Lates by our Shop SE19 collective and the accompanying community Christmas Tree and Christmas Music programme, curated by Crystal Palace Festival and supporting team.

Thank you most of all for your support as loyal customers and supporters of independent traders and venues in Crystal Palace. These very special places cannot survive without you coming back time and time again whether it rains or shines. Together we can make a huge difference to our community by choosing where to spend our money.

To continue supporting us and to hear about our plans for 2020, please sign-up for Shop SE19 updates.

We were delighted to welcome Deputy Mayor of Croydon Cllr Maddie Henson to visit our event on Thursday 19th December. She visited Santa at the Library, with her lovely children and several of our official venues on the way to watch Panash Steel Band perform. Great to be able to visit the Friends of Crystal Palace Subway pop-up at Merlin Shoes and hear about their 3-year plan.

Thank you for the continuing support from our brilliant team of ward councillors for Crystal Palace.

Pictured: Deputy Mayor of Croydon, Maddie Henson, pictured with Tine Bladjberg of A L'Etage 2, Westow Street. Photo credit: Shop SE19

Pictured: CPUN Councillor team

Stephen Mann

Pat Ryan

Nina Degrads

at the lighting of the Crystal Palace Christmas Tree on 7th December

Photo credit: Shop SE19

Click here for links to all our trading partners for 2019. Thank you for your generosity and teamwork and a special thank you to Community Sponsor Martin & Co on Church Road and our local CPUN Councillor Stephen Mann who has been so supportive of #SE19Lates every step of the way.

Keep coming back to Crystal Palace. Together we can make a huge difference to the special place we live and work.

To continue supporting our very special high streets and to hear about our plans for 2020, please sign-up for Shop SE19 updates.


Shop SE19

Crystal Palace, London SE19, UK

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